Art doesn’t have to be perfect to be a masterpiece
The imperfections are part of the story and can add to the beauty, if you let it. This was a lesson which was relevant to the photography and drawing classes I was fortunate enough to do during my semester abroad. I learnt that faces aren’t symmetric, and sketching an imperfect circle was actually more accurate and made my drawing more human and real.
Now, with my sketches and photographs sprawled out around me, I had an opportunity to reflect on what they meant to me, and what they represented: an eventful, frenzied year that disappeared before my eyes. I know January is already drawing to an end, but it’s still a limbo – a time spent trying to reconcile the year that’s been, and make sense of the year ahead. Honestly speaking, 2017 was an otherworldly experience for me, where at times I felt like I was a spectator watching as some of my greatest heartaches, and greatest accomplishments, pass me by. I had many moments of epiphany where words of warning or assurance uttered to me during my childhood finally played out in reality in a way that I truly understood and felt the truth of those words. My conclusion is this: we can recognise, but never fully understand the truth of something until it knocks us off our feet. This realisation is allowing me to put into perspective what we truly can control, and what we have to acknowledge we can’t. Though we can plan for the future, we only have certain control over our present.
Spontaneously creating the images for this post with my sister (whilst surrounded by the mess of 6 months’ worth of clothes, art and souvenirs) was such a fun and collaborative experience because I was an active participant in the moment, with no expectations and nothing to lose. This is my wish for 2018. There is no sense in letting life or the prospect of what your life should be overwhelm you if you are going to allow it to remove you from the simplistic beauty of what seemingly insignificant moments can be. There will always be highs and lows but your attitude and action will determine the longevity, magnitude and memory of your highs and lows.
I considered whether these thoughts and images would be worth sharing, out of fear that any potential negative feedback would taint my impression of the experience. This would have defeated the very essence of this project and why I want to share this going into 2018. My hope for anyone reading this is to understand what vulnerability and control can mean in the new year. You can’t control people or the world around you. As important as it is to foster relationships and to love those around you, you can’t take accountability for anyone else’s feelings, mistakes or life. You can be a supportive friend without being someone’s life force. You will conserve so much valuable time and energy the sooner you realise that you can be vulnerable and share a part of you, for you, not for anyone else. You can live presently, at peace with your past and waiting in eager anticipation for your future.
Your life might not be perfect, but it can be a masterpiece if you choose to see it that way.
Happy New Year!